Hello. Thank you for visiting. I invite you to read my c.v., as well as my private sector-oriented résumé. Academia is changing, and I’ve been adapting for a minute. I’m a professor of Rhetoric, Composition, and Digital Media, and this means that I always teach various forms of writing in a college or university setting. I love teaching writing. I often use what I’m learning about how language is shifting with technologies’ evolving presence in our lives, and this means that my classes get to be both serious, and playful.

My scholarship has taken a decidedly cinematic turn since I started making digital shorts in 2004. My films explore textmaking, the nature of scholarship, and communication technologies. They are achingly aspirational and gesture toward "art," which comes at a price I’ve decided to pay. I enjoy working as a creative, improvisational rhetorician in the present moment. I live, work, and play in two distinct ecologies — film & televisual cultures (I work on projects shot in Chicago), and academia. In the liminal spaces of my personal and professional life, my primary goal is to support creative vision. 

Guided by rhetorical principles dating to antiquity (but working most frequently with contemporary rhetorical theories), I’ve been teaching academic, creative, interdisciplinary, and multimodal composing skills since 1992. The rise of a formalized version of what I and many of my colleagues have been teaching and doing for many years is now materializing within national discourses on Digital Humanities, Digital Rhetorics, and Multimodal Composition. I delight in ongoing discoveries regarding text production, consumption, circulation, reproduction, remix, power, and play. 

Most of my interests converge in my current work as an actor, aspiring minimalist, digital filmmaker, teacher, and volunteer.